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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Aren't all "Complete and Balanced" diets equally nutritious?"
    The phrase "complete and balanced" on packages of processed cat and dog food do not adequately describe the nutritional value or bio-availability of the food. To legally use these words, companies only need to meet the bare minimum of requirements to keep the average pet alive. Most of us have more than just "average" pets and care for more than just keeping them alive.
  • Have dogs recently been classified as omnivores?
    Webster's dictionary still classifies dogs as carnivores and direct descendents of the wolf (genus Canis). By looking at your dog's or cat's teeth, you will notice the teeth are different in shape than your teeth or a typical grazing animal's teeth (such as a cow's). The teeth you see are pointed and designed for grabbing, ripping and tearing meat. Canines lack large flat molars for grinding plants. Canine molars are pointed and situated in a scissors bite to help break down meat, bones and hides. Carnivores also have a unique set of teeth which includes "carnassial" teeth, which are the fourth upper premolar and first lower molar. To compare with a true omnivore, the teeth of a black bear have both large canine teeth and large flat molars. Teeth directly correspond to the diet of an animal. Canine health depends on the food its body is designed to catch and digest. It is not designed to process grains and other plant matter. The digestive systems of canines are unable to properly digest corn and grains, which leads to health problems. Canine digestive systems have not evolved with the industry commercial dog food production. Dogs have short intestinal tracts compared to humans and especially sheep, horses and cows which are meant to accommodate large plant diets. Perhaps commercial pet food companies are responsible for promoting the idea that canines are omnivores as they introduce grains and vegetables to reduce costs and increase profits. We believe that our pets' health is more important than these bottom line motivators.
  • You claim your raw meat diet is more natural than most pet foods.  Why?
    According to Webster, the word "natural" means "in accordance with what is found or expected to be in nature." If we look at the primary ingredients found in most commercially manufactured pet foods (corn, corn flour, rice, rice flour, wheat, wheat flour, soy and soy flour), we will find these are natural dietary sources for herbivores (animals feeding on plants or grasses, ie. cattle, sheep, horses, buffalo), not carnivores. Let your pet loose in a corn or rice field and your dog will be racing to catch animals, not chew on plants.
  • Is this concept of feeding a raw meat diet to my pet new?
    Feeding raw meat to dogs and cats goes back throughout history. However, as the domesticated pet trade increased over the last several decades, most commercial pet food companies opted to value convenience in manufacturing, storage, and shipping over the nutritional needs of the animals they were supplying. We choose the opposite approach, committing to nutritional excellence, and accept the challenge of manufacturing, storing and distributing a premium raw meat pet diet.
  • Why a raw food pet diet?
    A raw meat pet diet provides your beloved carnivore with all of the undamaged digestive enzymes and amino acids (protein building blocks) that nature intended. A raw meat diet (flash-frozen or freeze-dried) means that these beneficial enzymes are still intact. Most commercially manufactured and canned pet foods are ultra-processed at high temperatures that exceed 212 degrees Fahrenheit, killing these crucial enzymes and amino acids. Animals that consume these processed foods often become nutritionally compromised and exhibit dry and itchy skin, dull coats, weight problems, lethargy, and a host of other health issues.
  • Can I make my own raw meat pet food?
    Yes, you can! However, without the proper balance of nutrition, you could end up doing more harm than good. Additionally, by the time you gathered all the ingredients and allowed for your time and effort to grind, mix, package and freeze, you'll realize that we have done all the hard work for you at a very reasonable price.
  • Is it harmful to cook food before feeding it to my dog or cat?
    Cooking meat above 120 degrees F kills the beneficial digestive enzymes as well as some of the fragile amino acids such as Taurine. Research is continuing to point towards the numerous preventative health benefits of an uncooked, balanced, raw meat pet diet. Meat eating carnivores enjoy strong immune systems, improved digestion, shiny fur coats, fewer dental issues, and more energy, among other health benefits.
  • Does the food have any preservatives or chemicals?
    We don't sell food with preservatives or any artificial colors. Our raw food pet diet products are preserved through freezing (at -40 degrees F) which is the only way to keep the premium nutrition intact the way Mother Nature intended.
  • Do raw meat pet diets cost more to feed than traditional pet food diets?
    Our frozen raw diets cost approximately the same as a premium grain-free kibble diet. Be aware that during transition times, animals often consume up to twice the amount of recommended raw food, until nutritional deficiencies are satisfied. Once nutritionally saturated, usually within the first 30 days, pets will automatically regulate their intake to normal levels. Most customers consider this nutritionally-viable and health-promoting raw food diet to be the least expensive way to raise pets, especially considering the money saved on fewer veterinary visits and less supplementation.
  • Do you deliver?
    Unfortunately, no. Because of the volume of clients we serve, we ask everyone to pickup at our location in the heart of Reno, Monday - Saturday by appointment. Thank you!

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Please contact us.

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